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Oriental Moon

Ceramic Earrings - Button with raindrop Stud - 11-1001

Ceramic Earrings - Button with raindrop Stud - 11-1001

ລາຄາປົກກະຕິ $25.00 USD
ລາຄາປົກກະຕິ ລາຄາຂາຍ $25.00 USD
ຂາຍ ຂາຍອອກ
ລວມພາສີ. Shipping calculated at checkout.

Ceramic Earrings - Round Button with raindrop Studs. Contains 24K gold and is as one-of-a-kind as raindrops. Eastern-inspired design with a smaller size for added radiance. These two features highlight your beauty. Handcrafted using reliable techniques to create durable porcelain jewelry that is truly special. Let this product add sparkle to your rainy day.
